How to Hyperlink an Image in WordPress

In WordPress, you can hyperlink an image in your post or page content to make it clickable. This is useful if you want to link to another website or page, or if you want to create a lightbox effect where the image enlarges when clicked.

  • Log in to your WordPress account and go to the Dashboard
  • On the Dashboard, click on the “Posts” or “Pages” section, depending on where you want to add the hyperlinked image
  • Find the post or page where you want to add the image and click “Edit
  • Place your cursor in the spot where you want to insert the image and click on the “Add Media” button
  • On the “Insert Media” page, click on the “Upload Files” tab
  • Click on the “Select Files” button and choose the image you want to upload from your computer’s files
  • Once your image has been uploaded, click on it to select it and then click on the “Insert into post” button
  • In order for your image to be hyperlinked, you will need to add a URL in the appropriate field next to where it says “Link URL
  • ” 9 To do this, first click on the pencil icon next to where it says “None
  • ” Then, a pop-up window will appear with a field for you to enter a URL
  • Entering a URL here is what will turn your image into a hyperlink when someone clicks on it

How to Make Images into Links on WordPress (clickable image links)

How to Add Link to Image in Elementor

If you want to add a link to an image in Elementor, there are two ways that you can do it. The first way is by using the Image Widget. In the Image Widget, there is an option to add a link under the Link tab.

The second way is by using the Image Block. With the Image Block, you can click on the image and then click on the link icon in the toolbar.

How to Hyperlink an Image in WordPress


How Do I Link an Image to Text in WordPress?

If you want to add a linked image to some text in a WordPress post or page, here’s how to do it: 1. Start by creating your post or page, and typing out the text where you want the image to appear. 2. Next, click on the “Add Media” button above the WordPress editor.

This will open up the media library, where you can upload or select an existing image from your site. 3. Once you’ve found the image you want to use, click on it to select it, and then click on the “Insert into post” button. 4. Now that your image has been added to the post, click on it to select it again.

This will bring up the Image Properties toolbar at the top of the editor window. 5. In the Image Properties toolbar, find the “Link URL” field (it should be blank by default). Enter in the URL that you want this image to link to when clicked on.

Then click on the “Apply” button next to Link URL field.

How Do You Hyperlink an Image?

When you hyperlink an image, you are essentially creating a link from that image to another web page. The process is relatively simple and only requires a few steps. First, find the image that you want to hyperlink.

This can be done by searching online or finding it on your computer if you have it saved already. Next, right click on the image and select “Copy Image Address” or “Copy Image Location” depending on what browser you are using. This will copy the URL of the image so that you can paste it into your HTML code later.

Now open up the HTML code for the page where you want to insert the linked image. Find where you want to place the image on the page and then type in the following code: . Be sure to replace “PASTE IMAGE URL HERE” with the actual URL of the image that you copied earlier.

Save your changes and then view the page in a web browser to see your new linked image!

How Do I Make an Image a Link in WordPress 2021?

Assuming you would like to make an image a link in a WordPress post or page: 1.Upload the image you wish to make into a link to your WordPress media library. 2.Once the image is uploaded, click on it to edit.

In the pop-up window, enter the URL where you want the image to link in the “Link To” field. 3.In the upper right corner of the pop-up window, click on the blue “Update” button. 4.Now when you preview or publish your post or page, clicking on the image will take visitors to the URL specified!

How Do I Link an Image in Html in WordPress?

In WordPress, you can link images in HTML using the img tag. This is how you would do it: Your image

Replace “” with the URL of the image you want to link to.


If you’d like to hyperlink an image in WordPress, it’s pretty easy to do. Just follow these steps: 1. Find the image you want to hyperlink in your Media Library.

2. Click on the image to open up the Image Details window. 3. In the Image Details window, click on the Link To field and select Custom URL from the dropdown menu. 4. Enter the URL you want to link to in the custom URL field.

5. Click on Update Media button to save your changes. 6. That’s it!