How to Find Page Id WordPress

If you want to find your WordPress page ID, there are a few ways you can do it. One way is to look in the source code of your page. If you’re using a browser like Google Chrome, you can right-click on your page and select “View Page Source.”

Once the source code is open, press CTRL + F (or CMD + F on a Mac) and search for “page id.” The number that comes up next to “page id” is your WordPress page ID.

  • Log in to your WordPress account and go to the Dashboard
  • In the left-hand sidebar, hover over Pages and click All Pages
  • Find the page you want to find the ID for, and click on its title
  • In the URL of the page that opens up, you should see “post=XXXX” near the end of the URL, where XXXX is a number
  • This is the ID of your page!
How to Find Page Id WordPress


How Do I Find a WordPress Page Id?

There are a few different ways that you can find a WordPress page ID. One way is to simply look at the URL of the page when you are on it in the admin area. The ID will be listed in the URL after “post=”.

For example, if the URL of the page is, then the page ID would be 123. Another way to find a WordPress page ID is by looking at the code of the page.

In the code, each post has an HTML element with an id attribute set to “post-ID”. So, if you view the source code of a WordPresspage, you can look for that element and get the value ofthe id attribute, which isthe WordPresspage ID. Finally, if you want to programmatically get a WordPresspage ID (for example, from within a plugin or theme),you can usetheget_the_ID() function:

How Do I Find Page Id?

Assuming you’re talking about a Facebook Page ID: The easiest way to find your Facebook Page ID is to use the graph API explorer. Go to, select your app from the dropdown menu, and click “Get Token > Get User Access Token.”

Check the “manage_pages” box in the pop-up window, and click “Get Access Token.” Once you have a token, paste it into the “Access Token” field on the graph API explorer page, and click “Submit.” Then, enter “me/accounts” in the GET field, and click “Submit.”

This will return a list of all of the Pages that you manage. The id field for each Page is your Page ID.

How Do I Find Page Contents Page Id in WordPress?

Assuming you would like to find the Page ID of a specific Page in WordPress: 1. Login to your WordPress Dashboard. 2. In the left-hand menu, hover over “Pages”.

3. Click on the Page you would like to find the ID for. 4. In the top right corner of the Edit Page screen, you will see a box labeled “ID”. The number in this box is the Post/Page ID.

What is Page Id in a Website?

When you create a new page on your website, it is assigned a unique ID number. This number is used to identify the page when someone visits your site. The Page ID can be found in the HTML code of the page.

It is usually located near the top of the code, above the tag.

How to Find PAGE ID in WordPress (and POST ID)

What is Page Id

A Page ID is a unique identifier that is assigned to a Facebook Page. It is used to identify the page when using the Facebook API.


If you’re a WordPress user, you may be wondering how to find your Page ID. This can be useful if you need to add custom code to your pages or if you want to target a specific page in your CSS. There are a few different ways that you can find your Page ID in WordPress.

The easiest way is to simply look at the URL of the page when you’re editing it in the WordPress admin area. The ID will be displayed in the URL as a number after “post=”. Another way to find the Page ID is by looking at the source code of the page.

If you view the source code of the page, you’ll see that each element has an id attribute with a number value. The number value for the id attribute is the Page ID. Finally, if you’re using a theme that supports it, you can also use conditional tags to target specific pages by their IDs.

For example, if your home page has an ID of 7, you could use this code:

So there are a few different ways that you can find your Page ID in WordPress. By either looking at the URL or viewing the source code of the page, or by using conditional tags (if supported by your theme), finding your Page ID is easy peasy!