How to Add an Internal Link in WordPress

If you want to add an internal link in WordPress, there are a few different ways you can do it. One way is to simply add the URL of the page you want to link to in the post editor. This will automatically create a hyperlink when you publish the post.

Another way to add an internal link is by using the WordPress visual editor. To do this, highlight the text you want to use as the hyperlink and click on the Insert/edit link button in the toolbar (it looks like a chain). In the Link URL field, enter the URL of the page you want to link to and click on the Add Link button.

  • In your WordPress site, open the page or post you want to edit
  • Click on the text you want to hyperlink
  • In the pop-up editor, click on the link icon (it looks like a chain)
  • In the URL field, type in the # followed by the name of the anchor you want to link to
  • For example, if you want to link to an anchor called “section1”, you would type in #section1
  • Click on the Add Link button and then save your changes

How To Add Internal links in WordPress like a Ninja – SEO Strategy

How to Add Hyperlink in WordPress

Adding hyperlinks to your WordPress website is a great way to improve the user experience and increase engagement. There are two ways to add hyperlinks in WordPress: by using the visual editor or by adding HTML code. If you want to add a hyperlink using the visual editor, simply highlight the text you want to link and click the “Insert/edit link” button.

In the “URL” field, enter the URL of the page you want to link to. You can also set whether or not you want the link to open in a new window. Once you’re finished, click “Apply.”

If you prefer to add HTML code, simply place your cursor where you want the hyperlink to appear and enter the following code: Link Text. Be sure to replace “URL” with the actual URL of the page you’re linking to and “Link Text” with whatever text you want people to see as a clickable link.

How to Add an Internal Link in WordPress


How Do I Create an Internal Link?

An internal link is a hyperlink that points to another page on the same website. Internal links are important because they help define the architecture and hierarchy of the site, making it easier for visitors to navigate around. Creating internal links is relatively simple – you just need to add a hyperlink to some text or an image on your web page.

The process will vary slightly depending on what type of website you’re using (e.g. WordPress, Squarespace, Wix), but in general you can do it by highlighting some text and then clicking on the ‘Insert/edit link’ button in your editor toolbar. This will open a popup where you can enter the URL of the page you want to link to. It’s important to make sure that your internal links are relevant and useful for visitors.

That means linking to pages that are closely related to the content they’re currently reading, or which offer more information about a topic mentioned on the page. Adding too many irrelevant links will only clutter up your site and confuse visitors, so keep them focused and relevant.

How Does the User Add an Internal Link to a Blog?

Adding an internal link to a blog is a great way to keep your readers engaged and improve your website’s SEO. Here’s how to do it: 1. Find the page or post you want to link to.

Copy the URL from the address bar. 2. Go to the page or post where you want to add the link. Paste the URL into your content where you want the link to appear.

3. Select the text you just added and click the “Link” button in your editor toolbar. This will bring up a dialog box where you can enter some additional information about the link, such as its title and target (where it should open when clicked). Be sure to select “Internal” under Link Type so that it knows to keep people on your site.

4. Click “OK” when you’re done and you’ll see the internal link added to your content!


Adding an internal link in WordPress is a great way to keep your readers engaged and improve your website’s SEO. Here’s how to do it: 1. Login to your WordPress dashboard and go to the post or page you want to add the link to.

2. Highlight the text you want to use as the link and click the “Link” button in the toolbar. 3. In the “Insert/edit link” popup, click on the “Or link to existing content” tab. 4. Select the post or page you want to link to from the dropdown menu and click “Add Link.”

5. That’s it! Your internal link has been added.